关于none of与no one的提问__________ told us that he wasn't there.A.None of nobody B.No anyone C.None of anyone D.No one请问为什么不能选C?


关于none of与no one的提问
__________ told us that he wasn't there.
A.None of nobody B.No anyone C.None of anyone D.No one

none和no one的区别
1.none单独使用时常用于回答“How many……?或How much……?”的句型。
2.none可以of …搭配,构成完全否定的句型。可指人,也可指物。
3.no one一般用来回答“Who……?”的句型。nobody一般不能单独作为答语。
4.no one 不能of 连用,可指人,也可指物,语气比none强。

none 可以指人或物,本身已经是否定意思
可用none of them/the students但没有与anyone 搭配
no one = not anyone 只能指人