


1、He will go to London in next month some time, and studies a period of time French in there.
2. As soon as he will go home to telephone to you?
3. When you arrive at road's * turns around.
4. He has been too careless, cannot complete this project through the correct way.
5. Lets us welcome these visitors?
6. Nobody may explain this question, because it was too difficult.
7. Operates this machine is how interesting!
8. She 2 months do not have the time to subscribe that theatrical costume and the souvenir.
9. How does she dress up Santa Claus?
10. Never must greet with the stranger.because
11. Knocks on a door the sound, that child was too afraid has not dared to break away his eye.
12. Nobody can say their both's difference nearly.

1、He will leave for London in sometime next month and study France for a period of time there.
2、Will he call you as soon as he come back home?
3、You should turn your body when you reach the end of the road.
4、He is so careless that he couldn't accomplish the project in the right way.
5、Let's welcome these visitors,will we?
6、Nobody could resolve the problem for it is so difficult.
7、How intersting it is to operate the machine!
8、She has no time to book the stage costume and souvenir in recent 2 months.
9、How dose she dress up like the Father Christmas.
10、Never say hello to strangers.
11、Because of the knock no the door,the children are too scared to open the eyes.
12 nearly nobody can tell the differences between them.

1.He will go to London some time next month ,and studies French there for a period of time.
2.Will he call you as soon as he arrive at home?
3.Turn around when you arrive at the end of the road.
4.He was too careless,so that he cannot complete this project through the correct way.
5.Lets us welcome these visitors,shall we?
6.Nobody can explain this question, because it was too difficult.
7.How interesting it is to run this machine!
8.She does not have time to subscribe that costume and the souvenir for two months.
9. How does she dress up as Santa Claus?
10.Never talk with the stranger.
11.Because of the nocks on a door, that child was too afraid to open his eye.
12. Nearly nobody can say their both's difference .

1.He will go to London any time in next month,during which he will learn some French.
2.Will he phone you as soon as he gets home?
3.Turn around when you get the end of the road.
4.He is too careless to finish the program in proper way.
5.Let's go to welcome the visiters,will you?
6.The question is so hard that no one can answer it.
7.How interesting it is to use the machine!
8.She have no time in 2 months to book the opera clothes and the souvinior.
9.How she act as a Santa Claus?
10.Never say hello to strangers.
11.Because of the knock no the door,the children are too scared to open the eyes.
12.Nearly no one can tell the difference between them.

He will go to London next month and he will go to learnw French for some time.
Will he call you when he arrived home?
He will return when you got the end.
He was too careless to complete the project by the right way.
Let us welcome those visitor,will you?
It is so hard that nobody can answer the question.
How interesting to operate the machine.
she had no time to set all the costumes and souvenirs for 2 months
How will she dress as Santa Claus?
Never say hello to strangers.
The child is too fear to open his eyes for the knock on the door.
Almost no one can tell them the difference between them.