请大家帮我写篇英语作文,写得好的追加50分假如你是李明,你明天要带你的美国朋友去泰山游玩,请根据以下提示写篇短文,以便在第二天游玩时向他们介绍一下泰山.提示:1.位于山东中部,是中国最著名的山峰之一;2.有极其美丽的自然风景,可观看泰山日出;3.每年都有大批中外游客来旅游观光.要求:1.语言通顺、流畅;2.字数70-80词.参考词汇:scenery景色;sunrise日出Welcome to Mount Tai.Now I am going to tell you something about it._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Welcome to Mount Tai.Now I am going to tell you something about it.

Welcome to Mount Tai.Now I am going to tell you something about it.
Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. Taishan Mountain locates in the east of North China Plain and the middle of Shandong province erecting from the Shandong hills.
As a mountainous scenic spot, Taishan Mountain has high values in term of aesthetics and science, especially the sunris of Taishan.Thereby, either from the point of time or space, Taishan Mountain contains extremely abundant contents with high aesthetic, science and historic value.
Because of beautiful scenery of Taishan, each year the tourist form in and out will come here to enjoy the magnificent sceney.
We can say that Taishan Mountain is the symbol of spiritual culture of China and the unique heritage of the world.

Mount tai
Central located in shandong province, is China's most famous mountain; one
Have extremely beautiful natural scenery, can see mount taishan sunrise; Every year there are large number of tourists to tourism industry

Welcome to Mount Tai.Now I am going to tell you something about it.
Mount tai is China's "top five" days "first mountain" of reputation,also called dongyue,China's most beautiful,one of the ten stunning mountains.
Mount tai is located in the central shandong province,the natural landscape majestic tall,several thousand years spiritual culture infiltration and rendering the foil and humanistic landscape .
Mount tai is really beautiful .Do you like Mount tai?

Welcome to Mount Tai.Now I am going to tell you something about it.
Mount Tai is In the middle of Shandong, it was one of the most famous mountains in China.And it has very beautiful natural scenery, what's more you can watch the Mount Tai Sunrise.There are a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists come to Mount Tai to have atourism every year.In here,you will not fell a pity so enjoy it.