文学体裁 英语怎么说哥特文学是起源于英国18世纪的一种文学体裁.咋说?


文学体裁 英语怎么说

多种文学体裁 字体 [大] [中] [小]
multiple literary forms 字数 29
知识来源:石渤 主编.英汉-汉英文献信息词典.武汉:武汉大学出版社.1996.第513页.
文学体裁的改变 字体 [大] [中] [小]
change of literary form 字数 30
知识来源:石渤 主编.英汉-汉英文献信息词典.武汉:武汉大学出版社.1996.第700页.

Gothic literature is one of the literary styles which originate from Britain in 1700s.

literary genre or the style of literature 文学体裁
Gothic leterature is a kind of literature genre which firstly appeared in 18
century in England

types of literature