我写的这句英文有错的地方吗.如果有请帮忙改正下.Pressure gauge ,the pointer should be at "0" when no any pressure.Otherwise,it may have been damaged.Pls see the photo 2.中文的意思是这样的:关于那个压力表,在没有压力的情况下它的指针应该指向"0"的位置.否则,它可能已经损坏.


Pressure gauge ,the pointer should be at "0" when no any pressure.Otherwise,it may have been damaged.Pls see the photo 2.

About the pressure gauge, the pointer should be at“0”when no pressure is applied on it.Otherwise,it may have been broken.

For the pressure gauge, the pointer should be at '0' when there is no pressure. Otherwise, it may have been damaged. Please refer to fig.02

有的喔.看起来这应该是个试验报告之类的?我觉得第二句应该是the pointer should be at '0' when there is no exact pressure.英文没有双引号的哦,另外最后一句动词see,建议改成refer to,参照的意思.把the 去掉.个人拙见,参考一下就好.希望有用.
Concerning the Pressure gauge,the pointer should be at '0' when there is no exact pressure.Otherwise,it may have been damaged.