英语翻译他们没有足够的 钱供女儿读书我认为这儿是见朋友的 好地方这家玩具店里有许多不同种类的玩具


他们没有足够的 钱供女儿读书
我认为这儿是见朋友的 好地方

they do not have enough money for their daughter to go to school.
i think that here is a good place for meeting friends.
there are a lot of kinds of different toys in this toy shop.

they do not have enough money for their daughter to go to school.
i think that here is a good place for meeting friends.
there are a lot of kinds of different toys in this toy shop.

They do not have enough money for the daughter of school
I think that here is a good place to see friends
This toy store,there are many different types of toys