求雅思大作文修改...顺便打分Rapidly increasing petrol price could protect the environment and release traffic pressure to some extent.Do u agree or disagree?Give your opinion.In 21st century,the petrol price is rapidly growing,leaving a series of problems.Some believe that it’s a positive way to alleviate traffic junctions and protect the environment.However,others opposite.Before drawing my conclusion,let’s take a glimpse at both sides.To begin with,the increasin


Rapidly increasing petrol price could protect the environment and release traffic pressure to some extent.Do u agree or disagree?Give your opinion.
In 21st century,the petrol price is rapidly growing,leaving a series of problems.Some believe that it’s a positive way to alleviate traffic junctions and protect the environment.However,others opposite.Before drawing my conclusion,let’s take a glimpse at both sides.
To begin with,the increasingly growing petrol price would subliminally negatively affects culture economy.For instance,transportation fee would be directly influenced,resulting the high price of raw material collecting for the governments.To continue,individuals would suffer a lot from high petrol price.One’s daily activities would be limited.Travelling around by private car as a after work amusement become impossible due to the sky-high petrol price.I imagine some folks will be more likely to walk the quarter-mile to the 7-Eleven than to drive.
However,as for benefits,to be true,traffic can be easy for regulate because of the alternative transportations people would preferring.At the same time,transportation can be more efficient.Folks would prefer bus or train as their long-way journey carrier.Accordingly,environment issue should be partially solved.High amount of exhaust gas would be no longer acting as a threat to the ozone layer for certain.
As far as I concerned,undeniablely,it would be a stupid way to solve traffic and environmental problems by enhancing the petrol price,for its costs far superb its benefits.Individuals would be the victims at the first place.There are several more wiser ways we can do about this.such as setting the regulations about vehicle limitations,using scientific means to explore some alternative fuels(sonar power is on its way developing,it is considered as the main power in the future.).