关于火灾的英语作文如果家里突发火灾时我们正好在室内,我们应该采取一些什么样的自救措施呢?请你根据下面的的提示,充分发挥自己的想象力,写一篇80词左右的短文.开头已给出,不计入总次数.提示:keep calm;dial 119;feel the door;wait for;fire engine.if a fire happens suddenly when we are in the room,we must do the following things:要以上面的提示来写哦


提示:keep calm;dial 119;feel the door;wait for;fire engine.
if a fire happens suddenly when we are in the room,we must do the following things:

If there is a fire:Be Safe 1.Get out fast!When you hear the loud beep of the smoke alarm,get out of the house.Never hide or take time to grab your belongings or pets.2.Follow your escape plan.After al...