

(1) Li lei said,"I come from Shanghai ."------Li lei said that_________from shanghai
(2)Where are they wacthing TV?Jim said
(3)Will you go and watch the fashion show?My father asked me
(4)Where are the tickets?I asked him-------I asked him_______________
(5)Lily asked"Where does Jim study?"-------Lily asked ________________
(6)Where is the shoping center?He asked--------He asked _____________
(7)Please stop talking"He told all of us------------He told all of us____________
To know about Chinese fashion cultures is meaningful of us
______meaningful for us ______ ______ about Chinese fashion cultures
Both lily and lucy like dancing
lily _____ _____ lucy _____ dancing
One of the two boys must stay here
____ ____the boys must stay here

(1) Li lei said,"I come from Shanghai ."------Li lei said that he come from shanghai(2)Where are they wacthing TV? Jim saidJim asked where they were watching TV(3)Will you go and watch the fashion sho...宾语从句如何学好呢?似乎总是懵懵懂懂的,有没有什么诀窍呢?我的英语基础不好。语感还可以,而且也很喜欢英语。没事,多找些题型练一练,然后总结一些规律,把有特点的有又常见的句型写在你的笔记本上。另外可以培养自己宾语从句的语感,有时候读顺口了,不用想从句就自然出来了To know about Chinese fashion cultures is meaningful of usIt is meaningful for usto knowabout Chinese fashion culturesBoth lily and lucy like dancinglilyand lucyboth like dancing或者Not only Lily but also Lucy likes dancingOne of the two boys must stay hereEither of the boys must stay here