用The boy has 1000000dollars写三句定语从句


用The boy has 1000000dollars写三句定语从句

He is a boy who has 1000000 dollars.
The person who /that has 1000000 is a boy.
There are 1000000 dollars which belong to the boy.谢谢采纳!再给我写几句嘛谢谢说嘛也是刚刚这个题老师怀疑我怀疑你?啥意思他觉得不是我写的呵呵,初一啊?高一 嘎嘎高一!呵,好好学习 我高三了嗯嗯 嘿嘿拜拜在木有在木有帮帮忙自习才下,有问题吗1.为了感谢他的帮助 ,我送了他一份小礼物用in return for翻译 2. 过去我在这所学校上学belongto 3. 我曾经是一名医生后来我从事了教书workas 4. 我已经把这题弄懂了 havesth十vpp1.I sent him a gift in return for his help.2.I belonged to the school in the past.3.I once worked as a doctor, then(afterwards ) I worked on teaching.4.I'v had this question understood.vpp=过去分词 vr=虚拟语气GOOD NIGHT!