


1. There isn't much ________ I can do.
A. whichB. thatC. whatD. those
2. This is the most important sentence ________ we should pay attention.
A. thatB. whichC. to whichD. what
3. Mr. White is one of the foreign engineers who _________ in our country.
A. worksB. is working
C. are workingD. has been working
4. Anyone _________ should be punished.
A. that lateB. that be lateC. who is lateD. who are late
5. There was no one ________ she could turn for help.
A. thatB. whoC. from whomD. to whom
6. They talked about the things and persons _________ they met with.
A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whom
7. Who ________ works hard will do such a thing?
A. whichB. whoC. whomD. that
8. All the apples _______ fell down were picked up by the children.
A. thatB. thoseC. whichD. what
9. I'll tell you ________ I saw last week.
A. that allB. all whichC. allD. all what
10. This is the longest bridge ________ we have ever built in our city.
A. whichB. whatC. whereD. /
11. Is it the only one ______ needs repairing?
A. whichB. thatC. /D. it
12. Is there anything ________ to him?
A. that is belongedB. that belongs
C. which is belongedD. which belongs
13. Please pass me the book __________ cover is blue.
A. whichB. which ofC. itsD. whose
14. Is this school _________ some British friends visited last week?
A. thatB. whereC. in whichD. the one
15. This problem is quite different from _______ we did last time.
A. thatB. whichC. the oneD. one
16. I have lost the key to the room _________ I used to live.
A. whenB. in whichC. whichD. that
17. The man _________ we knew very little invited us to his home yesterday.
A. whomB. thatC. whoD. about whom
18. It's the third time ___________ here early this week.
A. that I arrivedB. when I arrived
C. that I've arrivedD. when I've arrived
19. Each time _________ I see him, he is happy.
A. whichB. duringC. whenD. /
20. It was in 1983 ________ I was born.
A. thatB. whenC. whichD. in which
21. I will never forget the days ______ I spent with my students.
A. whenB. whichC. during whichD. on which
22. May 1 is the day _______ Shanghai was liberated.
A. whichB. in whichC. whenD. on
23. A library is a place ________ people can borrow books.
A. whichB. whereC. to whichD. that
24. The library is just the place ________ I am going to visit next week.
A. whichB. whereC. to whichD. that
25. At the foot of the hill, however, _____ was a small house with a tree in front of it.
A. thereB. whereC. whichD. it
26. Is this the reason __________ you are late?
A. whichB. whatC. whyD. for what
27. I think this is the reason _______ may explain his absence.
A. whichB. whatC. whyD. for what
28. I have bought the same dictionary ________ you lent to me yesterday.
A.. whichB. thatC. whatD. as
29. This is Mr. Smith, _______ I think is going to give us a speech.
A. whoB. whomC. thatD. /
30. ____________, Columbus discovered America.
A. It is known to allB. It is known that
C. We all knowD. As is known to all
31. I, ______ your good friend, will do everything for you.
A. who isB. who amC. that isD. what is
32. He is the only one of the students who_______ violin well.
A. plays ... theB. plays ... /C. play ... theD. play ... /
33. Can you show me the way _______ you work out this problem?
A. /B. in thatC. whichD. of which
34. He makes good use of the time __________ he can spare.
A. whenB. thatC. in thatD. in which
35. We have two spare rooms downstairs, _________ has been cleaned yet.
A. but neither of whichB. none of which
C. but neither of themD. none of them