What do you mean by “日本”in English?What's the meaning of the word?(这里的mean为什么这样用)There will be a friend coming here to see me tomorrow?(为什么是comeing,will后面不是原型吗)There were a large number of people collecting garbage.(为什么用ing)I didn't hear the phone.I must be out.(为什么不用must have gone)The hat which he is wearing is black.(可不可以用that,为什么)He is the boy that bought a bike here.(为什么不用whom)The man whom/who/that you saw just now is my English teacher.(为什么可以用who


What do you mean by “日本”in English?What's the meaning of the word?(这里的mean为什么这样用)
There will be a friend coming here to see me tomorrow?(为什么是comeing,will后面不是原型吗)
There were a large number of people collecting garbage.(为什么用ing)
I didn't hear the phone.I must be out.(为什么不用must have gone)
The hat which he is wearing is black.(可不可以用that,为什么)
He is the boy that bought a bike here.(为什么不用whom)
The man whom/who/that you saw just now is my English teacher.(为什么可以用whom/who/that 晕死)
I‘d like to talk with the man sitting next to me.(为什么ing?)

1、What do you mean by “日本”in English?What's the meaning of the word?(这里的mean为什么这样用)mean作为动词在这个句子里面,句子结构类似于what do you do ……这样看起来简单多了吧!2、There will be a f...