英语翻译原句:“economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying,as well as studying,can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that,unlike many bank stocks,should yield huge dividends.”我想问下这里“should yield huge dividends”的逻辑主语是谁,college or stock?假如主语是college,我在should前面加个which,能不能使得主语变成stock.我现在要把这句的意思变为:“上大学是种投资,它不像股票那样应该产生巨大的收益”即,股票能产生巨大收益,而上大学不像股票,所以上大学不应该产生巨大的收益。如果要把意思变成这样,应如何改?这样改可否“college is an in


原句:“economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying,as well as studying,can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that,unlike many bank stocks,should yield huge dividends.”
我想问下这里“should yield huge dividends”的逻辑主语是谁,college or stock?
我现在要把这句的意思变为:“上大学是种投资,它不像股票那样应该产生巨大的收益”即,股票能产生巨大收益,而上大学不像股票,所以上大学不应该产生巨大的收益。如果要把意思变成这样,应如何改?这样改可否“college is an investment and it is unlike stocks which should yield huge dividends”。

看这个结构应该是 college,
unlike 这个类似插入语,所以前边的那个句子应该是
college is an investment that should yeild huge dividends.
which和 that的作用一样,主语不能变成stock,写了更画蛇添足。

主语是college,逗号相对于and, 例:college is unlike stock and yield dividends. unlike stock和should yield dividends是并列关系。

"should yield..."主语为 that,而that指代的是an investment,所以它的逻辑主语是an investment.这样一来你的第二个问题就不存在了.句子结构分析:Economists say.(主要结构为宾语从句)宾语从句主要结构:...famili...