Mathematica的一道很简单的函数应用题,See the following statement.What does it do?Create a function that takes as input the matrix mat,and then for each element compares it with value \[Tau],and if a value is below \[Tau],it should be set to zero,else to 1.mat = RandomInteger[100,RandomInteger[{15,25},2]]我自己写的是Resetlist[l_,x_] := For[i = 1,i


See the following statement.What does it do?Create a function that takes as input the matrix mat,and then for each element compares it with value \[Tau],and if a value is below \[Tau],it should be set to zero,else to 1.
mat = RandomInteger[100,RandomInteger[{15,25},2]]
Resetlist[l_,x_] :=
For[i = 1,i