用适当的冠词填空(冠词有:a an the)1.You must stay away from ____ building.2.He is drawing ____ interesting picture.3.My father is ____officer.He works in ____ office.4.Where does ____ teacher come from?5.There is ____ 'u' in the word 'rubber'.6.Is there ____ old photo on ____ wall?7.There is ____ big apple on the table.8.Ron is ____ only child in his family.9.What's this in English?—— It's ____ bird.10.____ orange is orange.用 a 或 an 填空.1.There is ____ boy in blue


用适当的冠词填空(冠词有:a an the)
1.You must stay away from ____ building.
2.He is drawing ____ interesting picture.
3.My father is ____officer.He works in ____ office.
4.Where does ____ teacher come from?
5.There is ____ 'u' in the word 'rubber'.
6.Is there ____ old photo on ____ wall?
7.There is ____ big apple on the table.
8.Ron is ____ only child in his family.
9.What's this in English?—— It's ____ bird.
10.____ orange is orange.
用 a 或 an 填空.
1.There is ____ boy in blue.
2.____ panda is an animal.
3.There is ____ orange on the tree.
4.There is ____ 's' in 'stand'.
5.There are sixty minutes in ____ hour.
6.There is ____ A merican in our class.Do you know
7.That's ____ exciting running race.
8.Today is ____ fine day.
9.Do you have ____ Walkman?
10.I have ____ lovely pet dog.
11.—— What is that?—— It's ____ apple.

1 the
2 an
3 an ,an
4 the
5 a
6 an ,the
7 a
8 an
9 a
10 An
1 a
2 A
3 an
4 an
5 an
6 an
7 an
8 a
9 a
10 a
11 an
注:元音音素前用an ,辅音音素前用a