英语翻译Why is setting goals important?Because goals can help you do,be,and experience everything you want in life.Instead of just leading life happen to you.Goals allow you to make your life happen.Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.It’s like having a map to show you where you want to go.Think of in this way.There are two drivers.One has a destination in mind which


Why is setting goals important?Because goals can help you do,be,and experience everything you want in life.Instead of just leading life happen to you.Goals allow you to make your life happen.
Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.It’s like having a map to show you where you want to go.Think of in this way.There are two drivers.One has a destination in mind which can be found in a map.She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns.The other driver has no goal or destination or map.She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver.But she drivers aimlessly around.Never getting anywhere ,just using up gas.Which driver do you want to be?
Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.They decide what they want in life and then get there by ****** plans and setting goals.Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident.Goals aren’t difficult to set-and they aren’t difficult to reach.It’s up to you to find out what your goals really are.You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.
Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.Written goals can be reviewed regularly,and have more power.Like a contract with yourself,they are harder to neglect or forget.Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously aware of situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.

生活得胜者设定目标并一直追随他们(的目标).他们决定他们在生活中想做的事情,然后坐* * * * * *的计划和设定目标.失败的人只是让生活发生意外.目标并不难他们不是很难达到.它是由你来找出你的目标.你们每个人都必须决定如何达到目标和方向的生活.