Just go along this street,trun left ( )the end A.by B.to C.on D.at 要写理由


Just go along this street,trun left ( )the end A.by B.to C.on D.at 要写理由

填 at
by the end 表示截止到……的末尾
to the end 表示到底;最后
on the end 在……的末端
at the end 在……的末尾
He went on spending lavishly until his money was at the end.
他继续挥霍无度, 直到把钱用光为止。
At the end of his speech, the crowd caught alight and began cheering wildly.
讲在他演讲快结束的时候, 人群情绪激昂, *欢呼。
There's room at the end of the garage to fit up a workbench.
At the end of the row, bind off seven stitches.

D填at.在参考资料里有详细解释.in the end 相当于 at last,finnaly,是副词,意思是"最后,最终,终于"如:In the end,she found the solution to the problem.(最后,她找到了解决这个问题的方法.) at the end通常后边要...