这几句话英语要怎么写列?请问下各位英语棒的哥哥姐姐们,我想把几句话写成英语,那么英语要怎么写列?我想写的话是; 离开你我仿佛就像来到了另一个天堂,眼前一切不再是那么美.但是后来我开始慢慢发现,原来你不在我的视线里,我的眼睛也可以笑得如此美丽.


请问下各位英语棒的哥哥姐姐们,我想把几句话写成英语,那么英语要怎么写列?我想写的话是; 离开你我仿佛就像来到了另一个天堂,眼前一切不再是那么美.但是后来我开始慢慢发现,原来你不在我的视线里,我的眼睛也可以笑得如此美丽.

After leaving you , I seemed to be in another heaven. Everything was no lnger that beautiful .But after then I found slowly I could also smile so beautiful when you were not in my line of sight .
主句I found ---
宾语从句I could also smile so beautiful
时间状语从句when you were not in my line of sight

Left your me on likely to arrive as if another heaven, all no longer are at present that America.But afterwards I started to discover slowly that, originally you in mine line of sight, my eye also might not smile so beautifully

leaving you I looked like in the another heaven,Now in my eyes everything wasn't so beautiful.But after then I slowly to begin that I discovered ,you weren't in my line of my sight,my eyes also could smil so beautiful.

After leaving you I found everything seems to be no longer so beautiful which like to be fallen to another heaven.Yet then I slowly discovered that even though you are not in my line of sight, my eyes also could smile so beautiful.
大概意思……你看看还有没有高手把,其实最后一句有毛病,应该是my smiling face also could be so beautiful,但是按照你原来的句子就是上面那样。推介改成下面的