英语翻译在日本Div的业务转移过程中,由于纸质特殊等原因,日本的机器使用说明书只能在本国进行采购后运送到中国,再在中国制作成册后送回日本.当看到此种情况下,我提出建议为Div在中国国内寻找纸张供应商,在部门领导的指导下,成功地完成了这个计划,不但纸张等成本大大降低,而且节省了单程的运费.每年可以公司节省成本20,000美金以上.与此同时,因为部门的主要业务是针对日本 ,而国际电话比较贵,比较多等原因,积极配合领导购买了话筒与耳机,并为部门申请同事安装了OC等网络电话软件,最大程度上地降低了通话成本.


在日本Div的业务转移过程中,由于纸质特殊等原因,日本的机器使用说明书只能在本国进行采购后运送到中国,再在中国制作成册后送回日本.当看到此种情况下,我提出建议为Div在中国国内寻找纸张供应商,在部门领导的指导下,成功地完成了这个计划,不但纸张等成本大大降低,而且节省了单程的运费.每年可以公司节省成本20,000美金以上.与此同时,因为部门的主要业务是针对日本 ,而国际电话比较贵,比较多等原因,积极配合领导购买了话筒与耳机,并为部门申请同事安装了OC等网络电话软件,最大程度上地降低了通话成本.

In Japanese Div service transition process, because paper special and so on reasons, Japan's machine instruction for use can only carries on the purchase after our country ship China, manufactures Cheng Cehou again in China returns to Japan. When saw in this kind of situation, I proposed the suggestion is Div domestic seeks for the paper supplier in China, leads in the department under the instruction, has completed this plan successfully, not only costs and so on paper reduce greatly, and has saved the one-way transport expense. Every year may the company save above the cost 20,000 dollars. Meanwhile, because department's primary service aims at Japan, but the international call is quite expensive, compared with many and so on reasons, coordinated the leader to purchase the microphone and the earphone positively, and applied for the colleague for the department to install network telephone softwares and so on OC, greatest degree Shangdi reduced the telephone conversation cost 我的答案就是这个了

= =以上全机器翻译。。。各个病句多多。。

In Japanese Div service transition process, because paper special and so on reasons, Japan's machine instruction for use can only carries on the purchase after our country ship China, manufactures Cheng Cehou again in China returns to Japan. When saw in this kind of situation, I proposed the suggestion is Div domestic seeks for the paper supplier in China, leads in the department under the instruction, has completed this plan successfully, not only costs and so on paper reduce greatly, and has saved the one-way transport expense. Every year may the company save above the cost 20,000 dollars. Meanwhile, because department's primary service aims at Japan, but the international call is quite expensive, compared with many and so on reasons, coordinated the leader to purchase the microphone and the earphone positively, and applied for the colleague for the department to install network telephone softwares and so on OC, greatest degree Shangdi reduced the telephone conversation cost

In Japan Div business transfer process, because papery special reasons such as, Japan's machine instructions can only at home after purchase carried to China, again in China after making congratulatory returned to Japan. When seeing such cases, my proposal for Div in China, looking for paper suppliers in department leaders, under the guidance of successfully completed the plan, not only paper and other costs reduced greatly, it saves the one-way freight. Every year can save cost more than $20,000 company. Meanwhile, the main business is because department against Japan, and international telephone is more expensive, more wait for a reason, and actively cooperate with the headset microphone jacks and leadership purchase, and application for department colleagues installed OC and other network telephone software, the greatest degree shangdi reduced call cost.

In the process of business transfer in Japanese Div,operation (or operating) instructions for Japanese machines can only be purchased in Japan and then transferred to China because of its special requirement for the paper quality.In such case,I propose that Div should find qualified suppliers of such paper in China.Under the guidance of departmental heads,the plan has been successfully completed.The cost of paper is greatly reduced and the one-way freight is also saved.Dvi has saved production cost over USD 20,000 per year.Meanwhile,since the primary service aims at Japan and thd international calls are expensive and frequent(频繁的),the departmental heads are all equipped with microphones and head-sets.Besides,Internet phone softwares such as OC are installed for the departmental colleagues.All the above measurements greatly reduce the commucation costs.