根据对话内容,在空白处填写一个句子,使对话完整,合乎情景(Li Meng and John have just finished swimming.)Li Meng:How nice and cool the water is!But I'm feeling a bit hungry now._______1____John:Sounds good.Li Meng:Do you know______2_____John:Yes,there is.Li Meng:___3__________John:It's only five minutes' walk.Let's go.Li Meng:Yeah,let's.Oh,I almost forgot my CD player.john:______4_____Li Meng:Pop music.I often listen when I'm not busy.How about you?john:Light music.I think it can


(Li Meng and John have just finished swimming.)
Li Meng:How nice and cool the water is!But I'm feeling a bit hungry now._______1____
John:Sounds good.
Li Meng:Do you know______2_____
John:Yes,there is.
Li Meng:___3__________
John:It's only five minutes' walk.Let's go.
Li Meng:Yeah,let's.Oh,I almost forgot my CD player.
Li Meng:Pop music.I often listen when I'm not busy.How about you?
john:Light music.I think it can relax myself.______5_____
Li Meng:Sure.
John:OK.I can lend you some CDs.I'll bring them to our school tomorrow.

1,let's get something to eat.
2.there is a restaurant
3.how far is it?
4.what kind of music do you like?
5.do you like music?