英语翻译本人英文太菜了,能请英文好的大大帮个忙翻译成英文嘛!想参考参考,大概意思到就可以,不用完全按照.>...这篇故事深深触动我的心(感动),自己的情绪也随著故事的发展有所牵引、波动.在玛丽女王她临死前写的一封信,信中内容,以一位母亲的立场(角度),想对儿子诉说自己藏在心中多年的话,文字叙述间(句子中)看得出玛丽女王她充满对儿子的关爱,也从中感觉得出,在说出事情的真相时的那种激动、迫切的口吻.看完故事後,总结,我认为(觉得)玛丽女王(Mary,Queen of Scots),在她的人生旅途中,她的命运如此多舛、一生经历太多的痛苦磨难,人生充满著悲剧色彩.在得知自己即将被处决时,玛丽女王并没有太多的恐惧害怕,待即将行刑时,她是以平静心来面对,以庄严的态度步入刑场.或许对她来说,死也是一种解脱吧,死将结束她多年的烦恼.


看完故事後,总结,我认为(觉得)玛丽女王(Mary,Queen of Scots),

This story deeply touched my heart (moved), their mood also along with the development of the story have traction, volatility. In queen Mary died she wrote a letter, the letter content, with a mother's position (Angle), tell oneself son want to hide in the heart for many years, between the prose (sentence) see queen Mary for her son's care, also feel that when uttered the truth of the matter of that kind of excitement, urgent tone. After reading the story, to sum up, I think Queen Mary, Mary, Queen of Scots, in her life, her fate is so worse after so much pain, suffering, life is filled with tragic life. When learned that he is about to be executed, queen Mary is not too much fear, and fear, and for the execution, she is calm heart to face, with a solemn attitude into the execution ground. Perhaps for her, death is a relief, death will end her troubles for many years.

This story deeply touched my heart (moved), some traction, develop their own emotions as the story of fluctuation.
In a letter to Queen Marie before her death she wrote,
The contents of the letter, with a mother's position (angle),
Want to tell his son in my heart for many years,
Text room (Ju Zizhong) see queen Marie with her to his son's care,
The feeling that, in telling the truth of that kind of excited, urgent tone.
After reading the story, summary, I think (that) the queen Marie (Mary, Queen of Scots),
In her life, her destiny so many errors, life has too much pain suffering, life is full of tragic color.
In that you are about to be executed, Queen Marie, not too much fear,
To be imminent execution, she is in a calm mind to face, in solemn attitude into the place of execution.
Perhaps for her, death is a relief well, death will put an end to her years of trouble.

This story deeply impressed me,my emotion was affected as the story goes on.
A letter that had been writen by Queen Mary before her death,
In the letter,as a side of a mother,
she wanna to tell her son about the word that been kept inside so many year,
Between the narratives,it can tell that Queen Mary care so much about her son,
From there,the excitement and imperative can be felt when the truth was spoken out.
After reading this story,as conclusion,I think that the Queen Mary,
In her lifetime,her destiny was so unfortunate.She went through so much of painful ordeal and her life is full of miserable.
When she know about she will be executed,Queen Mary did not felt too much of fear,
At the moment before execution was carry out,she faces it with calm,and went into the execution ground with the attitude of solemn.
Perhaps for her,death is some kinds of relief,death will end her pain.