八年级 ,英语 填空 ,谢谢 ,41. 请你不要插队好吗? 我们都在排队等候. Could you please ______ ______ _______ _______? We are all ________ ________ ________.42. 有人在我工作的时候跟我说话,我会很生气. I _____ ________ when someone talks to me while I am working.43. 不同的人喜欢不同的礼物.Different _______ like different _____ _____ gifts.44. 她花了大量的钱买学习用品.She _______ too much money _____ school things.45. 我有足够的时间去完成这项任务.I have ________ _______ ______ ______ the task.46. 我从没去过上海.I ______ ________ ______ _____


八年级 ,英语 填空 ,谢谢 ,
41. 请你不要插队好吗? 我们都在排队等候.
Could you please ______ ______ _______ _______? We are all ________ ________ ________.
42. 有人在我工作的时候跟我说话,我会很生气.
I _____ ________ when someone talks to me while I am working.
43. 不同的人喜欢不同的礼物.Different _______ like different _____ _____ gifts.
44. 她花了大量的钱买学习用品.She _______ too much money _____ school things.
45. 我有足够的时间去完成这项任务.I have ________ _______ ______ ______ the task.
46. 我从没去过上海.I ______ ________ ______ _____ Shanghai before.
47. 是因为我的英语说得好才使我得到了这份工作.
____ was because I spoke English very _______ ________ I could get this job.
48. 事实上我想去拜访我的朋友._______ ________, I want to visit my friend.
49. 我曾去过北京,并在那里呆了七天.
I have ______ ______ Beijing and had ______ ________ for 7 days.
50.别忘记带上雨伞. Don’t forget to ______ an umbrella _______ you.
51. 你是新生,不是吗? You’re ______ here, _______ _______?
52. 比尔和我相处十分融洽.Bill and I _______ _______ _______ well.
53. 每天这个时候交通都十分拥挤.The ______ is very _______ at this time every day.
54. 我们一直等了一个小时.We’ve been _________ _________ an hour.
55. 不要在教室里踢足球,好吗? Don’t play soccer in the classroom,______ ______?

41. 请你不要插队好吗? 我们都在排队等候. Could you please not cut in line? We are all wait in line.42. 有人在我工作的时候跟我说话,我会很生气. I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I am w...