英语翻译出生在一个商人家庭,我从小就是听着商场故事长大的,这也让我一直憧憬有朝一日可以成为像我父亲一样出色的管理人.求这句话用英文要怎么翻译?因为商人家庭是business family么?


因为商人家庭是business family么?

Was born in a merchant family, I grew up listening to the mall is the story of growing up, which I have been looking forward to one day become as good as my father's administrator.

Born in a merchant family, I've been listening to a lot of mall stories during I growing up.This is also the reason why I'm always facinated to be an extraodinary manager just like my father.

Born into a merchant family,I grew up listening to the story of the mall,which induced me to dream about the day when I shall become an excellent administrator just like my father.商人家庭merchant fam...
