用括号里面的词改为主语把下列句子变为被动语态1.someone speaks (English) here2.I will bring you (the comic book) tomorrow3.My father is writing (a book)4.The boss offered (me) a chance to speak in the meeting5.My friend sent (me) some photographs as my birthday gift6.Someone made (that car) in Japan


1.someone speaks (English) here
2.I will bring you (the comic book) tomorrow
3.My father is writing (a book)
4.The boss offered (me) a chance to speak in the meeting
5.My friend sent (me) some photographs as my birthday gift
6.Someone made (that car) in Japan

1,English is spoken by someone here.
2,The comic book will be brought to you by me tomorrow.
3,A book is being wrrtten by my father.
4.I was offered a chance to speak in the meeting by the boss.
5.I was sent some photographs by my friend as my birthday gift.
6.That car was made in Japan by someone.

1. English is spoken by someone here.
2. The comic book will be brought to you tomorrow.
3. A book is being written by my father.
4. I was offered a chance to speak in the meeting by my boss.
5. I was sent some photographs as my birthday gift by my friend.
6. That car was made by someone in Japan.

English is spoken here.
The comic book will be brought to you tomorrow by me.
A book is being written by my father.
I was offered a chance to speak in the meeting by the boss.
I was sent some photographs as my birthday gift by my friend.
That car was made in Japan.

1.English is spoken by someone here.
2.The comic book will be brought to you tomorrow.
3.A book is being written by my father.
4.I was offered a chance to speak in the meeting by the boss.
5.I was sent some photographs as my birthday gift by my friend.
6.That car was made in Japan(by someone).
