英语翻译在使用此原料前,客户能否先将G3+BD+S5混合在一起.充分搅拌倒入一只釜内,另一只釜倒入MG1.然后浇注.Before using these materials,whether the customer can mix G3+BD+S5 (mix fully)firstly and then pour them in a kettle and pour the MG1 to another kettle or not.Finally,do the casting.or not 和前面的whether对应。这样写对么?


Before using these materials,whether the customer can mix G3+BD+S5 (mix fully)firstly and then pour them in a kettle and pour the MG1 to another kettle or not.Finally,do the casting.
or not 和前面的whether对应。这样写对么?

Before using these materials, whether the customer can mix __the__G3+BD+S5 (mix fully)first_ly_ and then pour them in a kettle and pour the MG1 to another kettle (or not). Finally, do the casting. 1:G...