汉译英 机器免进机器免进 我看得出来 在未来的日子里 不论遇到多大的打击 你都要坚强的面对 因为一切的困难都是暂时的 患难都会过去的 一切都会好起来 一切都会好起来.


汉译英 机器免进
机器免进 我看得出来
在未来的日子里 不论遇到多大的打击 你都要坚强的面对 因为一切的困难都是暂时的 患难都会过去的 一切都会好起来 一切都会好起来.

During the following days,no mantter how viloent the blow you may encounter is,you should stand up to it courageously.For all the difficulties are only temporary and will be over.Everything will come out all right.Everything will be all right......

At a future date No matter what size is met the blow You will be strong in the face of Because all difficulties are all temporary The trials and tribulations will go over Everything will turn better Everything will turn better ...............

In future days,you should face it bravely whatever hits you.Because all the difficulties are for the time being and they will be gone.Everything will get better and better.