《名词改错》请问这句话哪里出错了?During my stay in London.I visited many places of interests ...《名词改错》请问这句话哪里出错了?During my stay in London.I visited many places of interests and had lots of friendly talks witn all kinds of people .


《名词改错》请问这句话哪里出错了?During my stay in London.I visited many places of interests ...
《名词改错》请问这句话哪里出错了?During my stay in London.I visited many places of interests and had lots of friendly talks witn all kinds of people .

interests 去掉s

问题出在places of interest,interest不应该加s

我认为应该是During I stay in London,I visited many places of interests and had lots of friendly talks with all kinds of people.


places of interests 改为places of interest

1.places of interest
2. talks with