汉译英:根据汉语提示完成下列各个句子1.(众所周知),China is a large country with a large population.2.(天气如此冷)that he stayed at home all day.3.(无论他何时来),he will bring something unexpected.4.(没有剩下足够的空间)for the people who came here.5.We should (非常重视)the development of economy.


1.(众所周知),China is a large country with a large population.
2.(天气如此冷)that he stayed at home all day.
3.(无论他何时来),he will bring something unexpected.
4.(没有剩下足够的空间)for the people who came here.
5.We should (非常重视)the development of economy.

1. Everybody knows that China is a large country with a large population.
2. The weather is so cold that he stayed at home all day.
3. Whenever he comes, he will bring something unexpected.
4. No more space left for the people who came here.
5.We should pay great attention the development of economy.

As is known to all
It was so cold
whenever he comes
There wasn't enough room
lay great emphasis on

1.(【译】As is known to all 众所周知),China is a large country with a large population.2.(【译】The weather was so cold 天气如此冷) that he stayed at home all day.3.(【译】Whenever he comes 无论他何时...

as we all know
the weather is so could
whenever he come
there is no enough space left
pay more attition