赏析《a red red rose》.英文原创.200字左右.急.从诗的结构、韵律、修辞手法、思想内容的方面分析.很急.如有高人指点,不胜感激~~~~


赏析《a red red rose》.英文原创.200字左右.急.

1.Stanza 1:compare his sweet heart as a red rose and sweet music.
2.Stanza 2-3 :swear that he will love her for ever,and assure that he will never change his heart.
3.Stanza 4:assure his lover that he will leave
for a short time but will come back no matter how far it is.
Form:Scottish Folklore,short lines,strong rhythm.The first and third lines have 8 syllables and the second and fourth lines have 6 syllable in the first two stanzas and 7 syllables in the second two stanzas.Rhyming abab.
Use simile to express the strong affection which can not be controlled.And use repetition to intensify his emotion.