ARRAY [1..2] OF
ARRAY [1..2] OF
- 这句话是否有语法错误?应该怎么修改?There are an array of factors contributing to this.
- 求英文或者国际贸易告人帮忙解释个名词定义!A detector array = the detector array (a InGaAs detector array) without readout integrated circuit (ROIC) or supporting electronicsA focal plane array (FPA) = a detector array coupled to a readout integrated circuit (detector array plus ROIC)A sensor = an FPA with supporting electronics used for bias control,clocking,and readout (FPA + supporting circuits)A detector with circuit = the detector array (a InGaAs detector array) with
- 英语翻译Fig.12 shows the simulation results for 45º and -45º dual-polarized array antennas with VSWR and return loss of 1.299 and -17.72 dB respectively at the resonant frequency.Again,this proves that the combination of more patches in the array antenna can improve the VSWR and RL.Fig.13 shows the radiation pattern for 45º and -45º polarized dual-polarization array antenna.4.Measurement Results The same parameters involve in the simulation were measured
- type my=recordval,l,r:longint;end;var n,i,root,a,ppool:longint;da:array[0..100010]of my;procedure print(v:longint);beginif v=0 then exit;print(da[v].l);write(da[v].val,' ');print(da[v].r);end;procedure ins(var v:longint;a:longint);beginif v=0 thenbegininc(ppool);v:=ppool;da[v].val:=a;end;if a
- 英语翻译有些是计算机方面的术语..4.1 NinfG extensionsThe Ninf-G-specific APIs are shown in Figure 5,exceptthe Argument Array API set.First,a remote object to sharedata between multiple RPCs is utilized to implement a remoteinitialization.The remote object achieves this by storinginitialized data inside of the remote server and allowingthe next RPC to refer to the same data.
- $ms_office=array(); ms是什么英文单词?
- 已有如下数组定义和f函数调用语句,则在f函数的说明中,对形参数组array的正确定义为()int a[3][4];f(a);A f(int array[][6])B f(int array[3][])C f(int array[][4])D f(int array[2][5])
- lingo的@if函数用法请教我的LINGO程式码在@if的地方卡住了,之前@FOR函数承蒙不知明的大大指导,感激不尽,希望这次可以有大大可以帮我解答一下,万分感激,以下是程式码的部份SETS:SET/1..2/:PT_i,TiJ,LT_i,HC_i,X_i;ENDSETSDATA:D=30; mean deman/day;SD=3; Std.Dev./day;PT_i=4,8; Nodei...J average production time/day;TiJ=0,5; Nodei...J average transportation time/day;HC_i=2,4; Nodei...J average holding cost/day;Z=1.65; Safety Factor;P=10; Nodei...J average penalty cost/day;Due=12; ENDDATAThe objective Guaranteed Serviced Tiem;MIN=seq1+seq
- lingo @for 我的LINGO程式码在@FOR的地方卡住了,希望大大可以帮我解答一下,万分感激,以下是程式码的部份SETS:SET_PT /1..2/:PT_i; Node i...J average production time/day;SET_TiJ /1..2/:TiJ; Node i...J average transportation time/day;SET_LT /1..2/:LT_i; Node i...J average lead time/day;SET_HC /1..2/:HC_i; Node i...J average holding cost/day;SET_X /1..2/:X_i; Node i...J/day;ENDSETSDATA:D=20; mean deman/day;SD=2; Std.Dev./day;PT_i=4,7; Nodei...J average production time/day;TiJ=0,3; Nodei...J average
- 英语翻译x=allt(thisform.combo1.value)SELECT SUM(使用零件.数量*零件信息.单价) as je;FROM 使用零件情况!使用零件 INNER JOIN 使用零件情况!零件信息 ;ON 使用零件.零件号 = 零件信息.零件号;WHERE 使用零件.项目号 = x into array bthisform.text1.value=allt(str(b[1]))
- 如果英国与中国同属夏令时,那么两国之间的时差为几个小时?1、中国有夏令时吗?2、说中国在夏季比英国早7个小时包括了中国的夏令时计算吗?3、说是夏季是指中国的夏季还是英国的夏季?4、这里指的夏季是指几月份到几月份?
- i can teach Tom Chinese.He can teach me English.(合为一句)