什么是contribution margin请大家帮帮忙,关于商务经济的.最好举例说明下.谢谢了.


什么是contribution margin


边际贡献一般可分为单位产品的边际贡献和全部产品的边际贡献,其计算方法为: 单位产品边际贡献=销售单价-单位变动成本 全部产品边际贡献=全部产品的销售收入-全部产品的变动成本 很显然,边际贡献越大越好,在订价决策中,必首先保证边际贡献不为负数,其次应考虑,全部产品的边际贡献应足以弥补固定成本,并仍有一定的积余。而在特殊订价中,边际贡献保持正数是接受与否的底线。
在产品销售过程中,一定量的品种边际贡献首先是用来弥补企业生产经营活动所发生的固定成本总额,在弥补了企业所发生的所有固定成本后,如有多余,才能构成企业的利润。这就有可能出现以下三种情况: (1) 当提供的品种边际贡献刚好等于所发生的固定成本总额时,企业只能保本,即做到不盈不亏。 (2) 当提供的品种边际贡献小于所发生的固定成本总额时,企业就要发生亏损。 (3) 当提供的品种边际贡献大于所发生的固定成本总额时,企业将会盈利。 因此,品种边际贡献的实质所反映的就是产品为企业盈利所能作出的贡献大小,只有当产品销售达到一定的数量后,所得品种边际贡献才有可能弥补所发生的固定成本总额,为企业盈利作贡献。 国际会计英语中称为contribution margin。 A cost accounting concept that allows a company to determine the profitability of individual products. It is calculated as follows: Product Revenue - Product Variable Costs Product Revenue The phrase "contribution margin" can also refer to a per unit measure of a product's gross operating margin, calculated simply as the product's price minus its total variable costs. Consider a situation in which a business manager determines that a particular product has a 35% contribution margin, which is below that of other products in the company's product line. This figure can then be used to determine whether variable costs for that product can be reduced, or if the price of the end product could be increased. If these options are unattractive, the manager may decide to drop the unprofitable product in order to produce an alternate product with a higher contribution margin.
contribution是收益的意思,Contribution margin的意思是边际收益。是管理会计里的词汇。

边际收益(contribution margin)是指增加一单位产品的销售所增加的收益,即最后一单位产品的售出所取得的收益.