"-How do you __the movie that night?-It's very interesting " 下接A.think of B.think about C.feel D find.正确答案为D,为何选D A.B.C为什么不可以呢?


"-How do you __the movie that night?-It's very interesting " 下接
A.think of B.think about C.feel D find.正确答案为D,为何选D A.B.C为什么不可以呢?

A B 都是短语,如果非要填,只能填find
而C feel 是感觉的意思,与题意不符

How do you find sth?这句话和How do you like sth 是一个意思,只是又一种表达而已,意思是:你感觉……怎么样。
至于A和B 意思都不通顺,C如果加上一个like就对了

问别人对某事/人的感受可以说How do you find,?
think of 要用就得说What do you think of...?think about也是这样,但不能用feel the movie,maybe你可以说How do you feel about the movie?