英语主谓一致习题解析1.A day or two is enought....or...,谓语动词邻近原则,为什么还是is?不是are?2.Nine plus three ___ twelve.a.make b.makes 什么原则选b 3.Very few ___ his address in the town.a.know b .knows 为什么是a?4.The students in our school each ___ an English dictionary.a.has b.have 每个人都有不应该是has吗?为什么是复数呢?5.The pair of shoes ____ worn out.a.was b.was 为什么是单数?6.Over 80% of the population ___ workers.a.are b is 前面不应该看成整体么?为什么选a?7.The whole class ____ greatly moved at his words.a.were b


1.A day or two is enought....or...,谓语动词邻近原则,为什么还是is?不是are?
2.Nine plus three ___ twelve.a.make b.makes 什么原则选b
3.Very few ___ his address in the town.a.know b .knows 为什么是a?
4.The students in our school each ___ an English dictionary.
a.has b.have 每个人都有不应该是has吗?为什么是复数呢?
5.The pair of shoes ____ worn out.a.was b.was 为什么是单数?
6.Over 80% of the population ___ workers.
a.are b is 前面不应该看成整体么?为什么选a?
7.The whole class ____ greatly moved at his words.
a.were b.was 可以把他们看成整体或个人,但是选项里都有怎么判断?这题为何只能选a?
8.The gas works ____ near the city.a.is b.are
9.The surroundings of his house ____ clean now.
a.is b.are 环境不该是单数吗?为什么选b?
10.Her politics ____ neither conservative nor liberal.
a.is b are 为什么选b?neither...nor...不是邻近原则吗?
11.No one except two students ____ the meeting.
a.was late for b.were late for 为何选a?
12.All but him and me ____ to the exhibition.
a.are going b.is going 选a 为什么?主语是指什么
13.Four-fifths of the crop ____.a.was ruined b.were ruined
crop是可数的吧 选a,why?
14.Three-fourths of the buildings ___
a.were destoryed b.was destoryed 是看前面的Three-fourths整体还是后面的buildings 选a,why?
15.Mathematics _____ the language of science.
a.have been b.is c.are d.has been
16.In the country,the rich ___ richer,the poor,pooer.
a.become b.becomes the rich不该看做整体吗?为什么还选a?
17.The project requires more labor than ____ because it is extremely difficult.a.has been put in b.have neen put in
18.Not one in 100 children exposed to the disease ____ likely to develop it.a.is b.are 为什么选a?怎么翻译?

3Very few 指代的是人,用复数。

4.主语是the students
5.the pair of 是主语 在这里应该看正是一双鞋
6.主语你看对了 但你还要顾虑宾语阿 宾语是复数说明他就把80%的人口看成了复数了
7.8.9.同上 要分析主语
11.no one 是主语应看成单数
12.but him and me是主语 用复数
15.我觉得选b 学科应该看成单数的,虽然是复数的形式
16.the rich 表示一类人 看为复数
18.Not one是主语八分之一的儿童面临疾病,疾病并将恶化