英语翻译麻烦高人帮忙翻译以下条款Non-CircumventionThe parties (BUYER,SELLER or their respective commission agents) shall not,in any manner solicit and/or accept any business from any Contact which has been made available,disclosed,or introduced by one party (Disclosing Party) to the other party (Non-Disclosing Party),nor shall the Non-Disclosing Party in any manner access,contact,solicit and / or conduct any transaction with the Disclosing Party’s Contact,without the


The parties (BUYER,SELLER or their respective commission agents) shall not,in any manner solicit and/or accept any business from any Contact which has been made available,disclosed,or introduced by one party (Disclosing Party) to the other party (Non-Disclosing Party),nor shall the Non-Disclosing Party in any manner access,contact,solicit and / or conduct any transaction with the Disclosing Party’s Contact,without the express written permission of the Disclosing Party.
The parties shall not in any way whatsoever,circumvent each other and/or attempt such circumvention of each other and/or any of the parties to be involved in ay transaction forming with Contact,and the parties shall to the best of their abilities,ensure that the original transaction codes,data and proprietary information established are not altered.