一般将来时句型转换They are going to (borrow some magazines from) the library. She (will help me withmy maths.)Tom is going to study computer (next team.) He will give this bottle of ink to (Mary.) We willstudy( three )freign languages. 就划括号内部分提问!


They are going to (borrow some magazines from) the library.
She (will help me withmy maths.)
Tom is going to study computer (next team.)
He will give this bottle of ink to (Mary.)
We willstudy( three )freign languages.

第一道题应该是what are they going to do to the library

1.What are they going to do in the library?
2.What will she help me?
3.When is Tom going to study computer?
4. who will he give this bottle of ink to ?
5.How many foreign languages will we study?

1.What are they going to the library?
2.What will she do?
3.When is Tom going to study computer?
4.Who will he give this bottle of ink to?
5.How many foreign languages will you study?