1 The lady was seen come from the local library.2 So far thestudents have accepted no instructions as to what to do next.3 Though Nancy is only 7 years old,but she is cleverenough to work out a puzzle difficult even for a grown-up.4 The young manin the story appeared cool and unconcerned instead of to protest strongly atthe time.


1 The lady was seen come from the local library.
2 So far thestudents have accepted no instructions as to what to do next.
3 Though Nancy is only 7 years old,but she is cleverenough to work out a puzzle difficult even for a grown-up.
4 The young manin the story appeared cool and unconcerned instead of to protest strongly atthe time.

  1. 这位女士似乎从当地的图书馆而来。 

  2. 到现在为止,学生还没有接到下一步该怎么做的指示

  3. 尽管南茜只有7岁,但是她很聪明,她能解决一个很复杂的问题

  4. 这个年轻男人在故事里形象很冷酷,不善解人意,一改往日保护者的形象。

1. to come
2. accepted ==> received
3. Though 和but 去掉一个都行。因为它们都是连词,都用上就没有主句了。
4. to protest==> protesting of是个介词,介词后面接名词、代词或动名词即doing 。

1 The lady was seen come(改:to come) from the local library.be seen to do,被见到做某事.2 So far the students have accepted(改:received) no instructions as to what to do next.receive意为“收到”,...

1 The lady was seen 【coming】 from the local library.
2 So far the students have accepted no instructions as 【for】what to do next.
3 Though Nancy is only 7 years old,【but 去掉】she is clever enough to work out a puzzle difficult even for a grown-up.
4 The young man in the story appeared cool and unconcerned instead of 【to protest 改成protesting 】strongly at the time.