英语句子合并的题目(初二题)1.He can't go home.I can't go home ,too.(用neither……nor合并成一句)2.I may know the answer.He may also know the answer.(①用either……or合并成一句②用both……and合并成一句③用not only,but also合并成一句)


1.He can't go home.I can't go home ,too.(用neither……nor合并成一句)
2.I may know the answer.He may also know the answer.
③用not only,but also合并成一句)

neither him nor me can go home.
either him or me may know the answer.
both him and me may know the answer.
not only him but also me may know the answer.

Neither he nor I can go home.
Either he or I may know the answer.
Both he and I may know the answer.
Not only he but also I may know the answer.
注意,I 要放在he的后面,表示尊重