Look,read and number.We may take many pictures on our holiday.How can we use our camera?Please put te sentences i the right order.Put in the battery.( )Tell everyone to say"cheese".( )Lock at the view finder.( )Put in the film.( 1 )Press the button.( )Open the shutter.( )Close the shutter and put the camera away.( )Point at objects or people.( )注:让你标序号,“1”已经标好.


Look,read and number.
We may take many pictures on our holiday.How can we use our camera?Please put te sentences i the right order.
Put in the battery.( )
Tell everyone to say"cheese".( )
Lock at the view finder.( )
Put in the film.( 1 )
Press the button.( )
Open the shutter.( )
Close the shutter and put the camera away.( )
Point at objects or people.( )

Please put the sentences in the right order.你的这句话的单词有错误