请问,我写的这篇英文有语法错误吗?如果有请帮我改正,..Having gazed at these willows,I was in tears sometime because I don't want to leave you.Having cherished that time when I worked and wandered in nature togather with you,I believed nothing can be more entertaining than it in the world.I laid in bed and kept coughing,it would be so great if you were here around me.Now I promise you to struggle together with you for the common ideal.


Having gazed at these willows,I was in tears sometime because I don't want to leave you.Having cherished that time when I worked and wandered in nature togather with you,I believed nothing can be more entertaining than it in the world.I laid in bed and kept coughing,it would be so great if you were here around me.Now I promise you to struggle together with you for the common ideal.

(1) I was in tears sometime because I don't want...
宜用 I didn't want
(2) Having cherished that time
宜用 the time
(3) in nature
宜用in the country
(4) togather
改为 together
(5) can be more entertaining than it
(1) 时式
could be
(2) 可以删除 than it
(6) laid in bed
改为 lay in bed
卧在床上的过去时是 lay
laid 是另一字的过去时
(7) I lay in bed... , it would be ...
建议加 when
When I lay in bed... , it would be...

第一句应是Gazing at ....其它的没看

Having gazed at these willows,I was in tears sometime because I don't want to leave you.Having cherished that time when I worked and wandered in nature togather (together)with you,I believed nothing ...