英语翻译我们每个人都怀揣梦想,都渴望梦想成真.谁都不甘一生庸碌无为,但是,在追寻梦想之前,要先考虑清楚:自己是不是具备这样的天赋,是不适合走着条路……总而言之,在“模仿”我们所羡慕的某人时,一定要考虑一下自己是否同样具备与其相似的发展潜质.我们可以借鉴他人的写作技巧、学习方法、吃苦精神……;但是,唯独不可以照抄别人的作文、照搬别人的答案…….天上飞禽 ,地下走兽,各有各的活法,我们不拒绝平凡,但我们的人生一定要拒绝抄袭!我们必须时时保持心的洁净,就像一颗透视世界的水晶;我们必须时时保持灵魂的清醒,就像头顶上的展览清明的苍穹;我们必须时时坚持自我的追求,就像大漠里展翅飞翔的沙鸥;生为何人 ,就不要羡慕人的天赐良机!当我们遇到挫折时,便成了摇晃的天平,总是希望借助他人力量来保持平衡,总是靠着风力向上偏翩飞……复制纵然简单,但是,它让我们迷失了方向,迷失了自我!当你羡慕某人时,那就羡慕吧,因为我们每个人的人生都是独一无二的!
我们可以借鉴他人的写作技巧、学习方法、吃苦精神……;但是,唯独不可以照抄别人的作文、照搬别人的答案…….天上飞禽 ,地下走兽,各有各的活法,我们不拒绝平凡,但我们的人生一定要拒绝抄袭!我们必须时时保持心的洁净,就像一颗透视世界的水晶;我们必须时时保持灵魂的清醒,就像头顶上的展览清明的苍穹;我们必须时时坚持自我的追求,就像大漠里展翅飞翔的沙鸥;生为何人 ,就不要羡慕人的天赐良机!
everyone of us has dreams,& all hope our dreams come true.no one wanna be nobody,but before u pursue your dreams,you should ask yourself wheather you got such talents to keep you on this way.In general,you must think carefully,when "imitating someone that you admire,that do you have the same developmental potentials as him/her.
we can learn from other's writing skills,studying method,spirit of endurance...but we cannot copy other's essays,and keys...Living creatures,from flying birds to beasts on the land,all have their own ways of living.we couldn't refuse being ordinary,but we must refuse copying in our lives.we must keep the purity of our hearts all time,just like see-through crystals.we must keep the clearness of our of souls all time,just like the bright sky above our heads.we must keep our dreams all time,just like the flying gulls in the dessert.once we choose to be what we want,we have no reasons to envy others' opportunities of a life time.
when we meet difficults,we become swinging scales,and we always wanna ask other people for keeping our own balances,just like flying upward by the wind.Copying is an easy thing,but it'll make us lost,losing ourselves.So,when you admire others,just admire to the fullest,cuz everyone of us is one of a kind.