


I know a man, he have same tattoo with yours.( 这句话是不是从科幻小说 天幕消失里来的?呵呵。我也看过)我只有翻这句的功力。:-P

1.I knew a man who has the same tatoo with yours.
2.No, I always mistake you to him.
3.--Talking about your casino, Mr.Smith, I think I can offer you the highest prise for it and of course including that "sweet guy".What do you think?
--Not any problem.But i think i need to hold an intresting auction beforehand, or i'll get a bad reputation of bad credit in this field.
--Then i hope you and that "sweet guy" get on well.
--You are sharp,Mr.Smith. i am sure i'll make him satisfaction.
--I hope so.
4.--You gave me promise that you will offer me a most competitive prise. but why you..?
5.--4 billion is my lowest boundary. I'm sorry that it's been occupied.

lilytheng的比较好,不过我认为Beautiful Guy应该翻译为handsome或是Dude.

1, I know a man, his body and you have the same tattoos.
2, No, I always you as he is.
3, "Mr.Smith, on your casino, I think I can pay you more than any person should be a high price, of course, including the President who beautiful. Do you think how» "
"No problem, but I think I need to be held before an interesting auction, otherwise I fear that the reputation of shopping centres on a cast of a notorious bad faith."
"That is of course."
"Well, I hope you and the President who pretty happy to have the progress."
"Uh, Mr.Smith really good eyesight, I will let him very happy."
"I hope so."
4, "you said you would not put more than any person should be a high price?« How…… "
"I 4000000000 is the bottom line, but has been occupied. I am sorry."

1.I know one man,he has the same tattoo as you have.2.No,I always thought you were him.3."Mr.Smith,regarding your casino,I think I have the ability to pay you peerless price.Of course,including that b...