英语句子.改写.1、The meeting has been on for two hours(对话线部分提问)__ __ ___the meeting __ on?2、MY sister plays the piano once a day (对话线部分提问)__ __ ___your sister play the piano?3、He has been to Japan twice.(改为一般疑问句)__ ___ been to Japan twice?I have learn French since last week .(改为一般疑问句)_____ you learn French since last week?


1、The meeting has been on for two hours(对话线部分提问)
__ __ ___the meeting __ on?
2、MY sister plays the piano once a day (对话线部分提问)
__ __ ___your sister play the piano?
3、He has been to Japan twice.(改为一般疑问句)
__ ___ been to Japan twice?
I have learn French since last week .(改为一般疑问句)
_____ you learn French since last week?

1.how /long/ has /…… / be
2.how /often /does
3.has /he

1 How long has the meeting been on?
2 How often does your sister play the piano?
3 Has he been to Japan twice?
4 Did you learn French since last week?或者将learn改为learned,Have you learned French since last week?

1.How long has the meeting kept on?
2.How often does your sister play the piano?
3.Has he been to Japan twice?
4.Have you learn French since last week?

1.how long has be
2.how offen does
3.has he