英语翻译玉石的种类一 :硬玉,我国俗称“翡翠”,是我国传统玉石中的后起之秀,又是近代所有玉石中的上品.常见的翡翠颜色有白、灰、粉、淡褐、绿、翠绿、黄绿、紫红等,多数不透明,个别半透明,有玻璃光泽二 :软玉(Nephrite)欧洲认为将这种玉石佩挂在腰部可以治愈肾病,中国古人不仅认为饰用这种玉可以辟邪,而且认为饮用玉粉可以治病.软玉在我国有白玉、青玉、碧玉、黄玉和墨玉等品种.三 :蓝田玉这种玉石虽然不很美观,容易加工.四 :南阳玉南阳玉色泽鲜艳,质地比较细腻,光泽好,硬度高.颜色以绿、白、杂色为主.五 :、玛瑙玛瑙纹带美丽.玛瑙纯者为白色,因含其它金属元素(如Fe、Ni等)出现灰、褐、红、蓝、绿、翠绿、粉绿、黑等色.六、宝石红宝石和蓝宝石矿物学名都是刚玉.三方晶系,晶体常呈桶状、锥状、板状、柱状、不规则粒状等,晶面上常有斜纹或横纹.除了红色透明者称红宝石外,其它各色刚玉的透明晶体(能做宝石者),皆称“蓝宝石”.如黄色者,称“黄色蓝宝石”;绿色者,称“绿色蓝宝石”等.


一 :硬玉,我国俗称“翡翠”,是我国传统玉石中的后起之秀,又是近代所有玉石中的上品.常见的翡翠颜色有白、灰、粉、淡褐、绿、翠绿、黄绿、紫红等,多数不透明,个别半透明,有玻璃光泽
二 :软玉(Nephrite)
三 :蓝田玉
四 :南阳玉
五 :、玛瑙

The type of jade
A: jadeite, China commonly known as "Jade", is a rising star in China's traditional jade, jade is in the top grade of all modern. Common emerald color white, gray, pink, light brown, green, green, yellow, purple, etc., most opaque, individual translucent, shiny glass
II: nephrite jade (Nephrite)
Jade features a Europe that this kind of kidney disease can be cured at the waist, decorated with ancient Chinese not only think that jade can ward off evil, and that jade powder to treat drinking. Nephrite jade in China has, jade, jasper, topaz, and black jade and other varieties.
III: Lantian
This jade, though not very beautiful, and easy processing.
Four: Nanyang jade
Nanyang jade, bright color, texture and more nuanced, good gloss, high hardness. Color to green, white, variegated based.
V:, agate
Agate with a beautiful pattern. Pure Agate who is white, because with other metal elements (such as Fe, Ni, etc.) appear gray, brown, red, blue, green, green, light green, black and other colors.
VI, precious stones
Rubies and sapphires are corundum mineralogical name. Trigonal system, crystal often has barrel, cone, plate, cylindrical, irregular granular so twill or stripes often crystal face. In addition to those who said transparent ruby red, other colors of transparent crystal corundum (gem can do), with them registering "Sapphire. " Such as yellow person, referred to as "yellow sapphire"; Green who said "green sapphire, " and so on.

Jade species
A: hard jade, jade "commonly known as the" in China, is a traditional Chinese counterpart, is the modern jade the top grade. All jade Common jade color have white, grey, powder, light brown, green, green, yellow green, amaranthine wait, most opaque, individual translucent, vitreous burnish
2: soft Nephrite jade ()
Europeans think will this jade peja hung on waist can cure nephropathy, ancient Chinese not only think with this jade can act, and that to ward off bad drinking jade powder can cure. In our country are nephrite jade, jade, jasper, the doctor mo etc varieties.
3: lantian jade
This jade although not very beautiful, and easy to processing.
4: nanyang jade
Nanyang jade bright color, texture comparison is exquisite, luster, and high hardness. Color with green, white, variegated primarily.
5:, agate
Onyx WenDai beautiful. Onyx pure person for white, because it contains other metal elements, such as Fe, Ni etc) appeared gray, brown, red, blue, green, green, pink is green, dark color.
Six, gem
Rubies and sapphires mineralogy names are corundum. Tripartite crystal department, crystal often with a barrel shaped, cone, plate, columnar, irregular granular etc, faces there twill or horizontal grain. In addition to the red transparent, other outside of ruby says the transparent crystal size.the who can do gems (), all say "sapphire". Such as yellow, who says "yellow sapphire"; Green, who says "green sapphire" etc.
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Jade type
one: The jadeite, our country is named “the jadeite”, is in our country tradition jade promising youth, is also in the modern all jade high-grade goods. The common jadeite color has, the ash, the powder white, pale brown, green, Paris green, the olivine, purplish red and so on, most is not transparent, individual translucent, has glassy luster
two: The nephrite (Nephrite) the Europe thought that wears at the belt this kind of jade in the waist may cure the nephrosis, the Chinese ancients not only thought plays the part of may exorcise evil spirits with this kind of jade, moreover thought that drinks the jade powder to be possible to treat an illness. The nephrite has varieties and so on Baiyu, sapphire, jasper, topaz and Moyu in our country.
three: Lantian jade
this kind of jade, although is not very artistic, easy to process.
four: Nanyang jade the Nanyang jade luster is bright, the quality of material is quite exquisite, the gloss is good, degree of hardness

Jade species
A: hard jade, jade "commonly known as the" in China, is a traditional Chinese counterpart, is the modern jade the top grade. All jade Common jade color have white, grey, powder, light brown, green, green, yellow green, amaranthine wait, most opaque, individual translucent, vitreous burnish
2: soft Nephrite jade ()
Europeans think will this jade peja hung on waist can cure nephropathy, ancient Chinese not only think with this jade can act, and that to ward off bad drinking jade powder can cure. In our country are nephrite jade, jade, jasper, the doctor mo etc varieties.
3: lantian jade
This jade although not very beautiful, and easy to processing.
4: nanyang jade
Nanyang jade bright color, texture comparison is exquisite, luster, and high hardness. Color with green, white, variegated primarily.
5:, agate
Onyx WenDai beautiful. Onyx pure person for white, because it contains other metal elements, such as Fe, Ni etc) appeared gray, brown, red, blue, green, green, pink is green, dark color.
Six, gem
Rubies and sapphires mineralogy names are corundum. Tripartite crystal department, crystal often with a barrel shaped, cone, plate, columnar, irregular granular etc, faces there twill or horizontal grain. In addition to the red transparent, other outside of ruby says the transparent crystal size.the who can do gems (), all say "sapphire". Such as yellow, who says "yellow sapphire"; Green, who says "green sapphire" etc.

The type of jade
A: jadeite, China commonly known as "Jade", is a rising star in China's traditional jade, jade is in the top grade of all modern. Common emerald color white, gray, pink, light brown, green, green, yellow, purple, etc., most opaque, individual translucent, shiny glass
II: nephrite jade (Nephrite)
Jade features a Europe that this kind of kidney disease can be cured at the waist, decorated with ancient Chinese not only think that jade can ward off evil, and that jade powder to treat drinking. Nephrite jade in China has, jade, jasper, topaz, and black jade and other varieties.
III: Lantian
This jade, though not very beautiful, and easy processing.
Four: Nanyang jade
Nanyang jade, bright color, texture and more nuanced, good gloss, high hardness. Color to green, white, variegated based.
V:, agate
Agate with a beautiful pattern. Pure Agate who is white, because with other metal elements (such as Fe, Ni, etc.) appear gray, brown, red, blue, green, green, light green, black and other colors.
VI, precious stones
Rubies and sapphires are corundum mineralogical name. Trigonal system, crystal often has barrel, cone, plate, cylindrical, irregular granular so twill or stripes often crystal face. In addition to those who said transparent ruby red, other colors of transparent crystal corundum (gem can do), with them registering "Sapphire. " Such as yellow person, referred to as "yellow sapphire"; Green who said "green sapphire"