Old Samuel had a small shop.It was next to a very e______ French restaurant.Every day at lunchtime,Samuel went behind the restaurant to e_______ the great smell when eating some brown bread.One day,Saumel was surprised to get an “i______” from the judge because he smelt the food of the French restaurant.He went to the judge and told that he n_______ ate anything in it.But the man from the restaurant said,“You must pay us some money.” Of course,Samuel


Old Samuel had a small shop.It was next to a very e______ French restaurant.Every day at lunchtime,Samuel went behind the restaurant to e_______ the great smell when eating some brown bread.
One day,Saumel was surprised to get an “i______” from the judge because he smelt the food of the French restaurant.He went to the judge and told that he n_______ ate anything in it.
But the man from the restaurant said,“You must pay us some money.” Of course,Samuel didn’t a______ and asked why.The man said to the judge,“Every day,this man smells our food when e______ his bread.So he should pay us some money for it.”
The judge t_______ to Samuel and said,“What do you have to say now?” Samuel said nothing b_______ put his hand in one pocket and rattled a few coins.The judge asked him,“What does it m______?”
Samuel answered,“ Well,I’m paying for the smell of his food with the s________ of my money.”
