按照下面要求写一段对话,不少于60个词,英语的假设我所在的城市有一个大动物园,周末我们常常去那儿.那儿有很多动物,如大象,老虎,熊猫,狮子和长颈鹿,你认为这些动物不快乐,他们应该生活在森林中,他们应该享受*要用到这些词:there be ,far from ,on weekends ,i think ,live in ,happy,in the forest


要用到这些词:there be ,far from ,on weekends ,i think ,live in ,happy,in the forest

Suppose there is a huge zoo in the city we are (or I am) living in.We often visit the zoo on weekends.There are a lot of animals,like elephants,tigers,pandas,lions and giraffes.I think that these animals are not happy because they should live in the forest which is far from the city.