选择与划线部分意义最接近的单词或词组A. go to see B. grandfather and grandmother C. at last D. reach E. drank F. not the ssme( )1.We’ll arrvie at the Science Museum at a quarter past one.( )2.They decided to go there by underground finally.( )3.I’ll visit my cousin this Sunday.( )4.Things are different in the country.( )5.She had coffee yesterday afternoon.( )6.My grandparents live far from us.


A. go to see B. grandfather and grandmother C. at last
D. reach E. drank F. not the ssme
( )1.We’ll arrvie at the Science Museum at a quarter past one.
( )2.They decided to go there by underground finally.
( )3.I’ll visit my cousin this Sunday.
( )4.Things are different in the country.
( )5.She had coffee yesterday afternoon.
( )6.My grandparents live far from us.

arrive at-D finally-C visit-A different -F had-E grandparents-B