4道英语智力题1.My first is in south but not in north,My second is in picture but not in film,My third is in fourth and also in worth ,My fourth is in book and also in cook,My fifth is in toe but not in sew,My sixth islife but not in death .What am I 2.Watching TV isn'tmy cup of tea ;let't paly card instead .What is "my cup of tea ” in the sentence mean in Chinese?3.If the green house is on the right side of the road,and the red house is on the left side of


1.My first is in south but not in north,My second is in picture but not in film,My third is in fourth and also in worth ,My fourth is in book and also in cook,My fifth is in toe but not in sew,My sixth islife but not in death .What am I
2.Watching TV isn'tmy cup of tea ;let't paly card instead .What is "my cup of tea ” in the sentence mean in Chinese?
3.If the green house is on the right side of the road,and the red house is on the left side of the road,where is the the White House?
(You may answer this question in Chinese if you can't answer it in English.)
4.Help the fish find its way to the sea .Please duaw a route(路线)for it on the map.

3.第三个 个人认为答案是美国

1.I am"school".
3.In America/the USA. 或 "在华盛顿".


1. school
2. 爱好
3. America
4. 貌似应该有个图吧

1,s-c-h-o-o-l.I am a school
2 喜欢做的事情或喜欢的人(听过“...不是我的那杯茶”这句话吧?)
3 white house是指白宫.所以你可以说在美国,在华盛顿.in America/USA/Washington DC
4 map呢.