英语翻译她喜欢和父母住在一起.这就是她放弃了出国机会的原因.(why引导表语从句)安妮迫不及待地想穿上她昨天买的连衣裙去参加聚会.(can't wait to do sth.)任何乐于助人的人都值得赞美.(deserve)既然所有的材料都准备好了,我们就应该马上启动这个项目.(now that)我们所有的钱都丢了不是我的错.(fault)我走过时,西蒙双臂抱在胸前看着我,什么都没说.(have one's arms crossed)


安妮迫不及待地想穿上她昨天买的连衣裙去参加聚会.(can't wait to do sth.)
既然所有的材料都准备好了,我们就应该马上启动这个项目.(now that)
我走过时,西蒙双臂抱在胸前看着我,什么都没说.(have one's arms crossed)

She likes living with her parents,that's why she gave up the chance to go abroad.
Ann can't wait to wear the dress she bought yesterday to take part in the party.
Anyone who is willing to help others deserves to be praised.
Now that all materials have been prepared,we should start the program immediately.
That all our money had lost is not my fault.
When I went by,Cemon had his arms crossed and said nothing.