初三英语改错题1、找出下列句子中的错误并改正.①I’d like to have a radio so that I could listen music all day .②The last train has just left when he got to railway station .③English is widely used and more and more people are interesting in it .④Quite a lot of housework were given to me by my parents yesterday .⑤ Newspapers read every day at home ,in offices ,in school and on trains .谢谢回答者..


1、找出下列句子中的错误并改正.①I’d like to have a radio so that I could listen music all day .②The last train has just left when he got to railway station .③English is widely used and more and more people are interesting in it .④Quite a lot of housework were given to me by my parents yesterday .⑤ Newspapers read every day at home ,in offices ,in school and on trains .谢谢回答者..

1listen to
2 had left the railway station
3 interested
4 was given
5 are read

1.listen-> listen to
2.railway station->the railway station
3.interesting ->interested
5.read->are read

1 listen-> listen to(LISTEN是不及物动词,后接宾语时要加TO)2 has-> had(火车离开在他到达车站之前,故要用过去完成时,因为从句已用一般过去时'GOT TO...')3 interesting-> interested(固定搭配'BE INTERESTED IN'对...

1.listen to music
2.had left
3.are interested in
4.was given to me
5.Newspapers are read