英语 (23 16:17:33)1.The bus is the most widely used  p           transport all over the world.2.She asked me,"Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?"(改为宾语从句)She asked me              I             go to the cinema                                            . 


英语 (23 16:17:33)
1.The bus is the most widely used  p           transport all over the world.
2.She asked me,"Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?"(改为宾语从句)
She asked me              I             go to the cinema                                            . 

whether I would

2she asked me that wuould I go to the cinema tomorrow?解释:改为宾语从句后前后时态要一致,所以把will变为would

1 in ,表示在运输方面
2 She asked whether I would go to the cinema tomorrow.原句采用直接引语,而被引部分为一般疑问句,故应用whether引导宾语从句,为使得时态保持与主句一致,宾语从句用would.

2、She asked me whether I would go to the cinema the next day.